Sunday 1 January 2012

Day 1 of the rest of my life

After a final blow out of Sausage, egg, chips, beans, bread & butter and a bar of chocolate, well ok 2 bars of chocolate and a can of coke last night, I have started the new year with my first challenge. I will embark on a 30 day Paleo challenge, I will therefore not be eating any wheat, dairy, grains, or any kind of processed food (no more morning latte and tea-cake for me). Putting it in simple terms I'll be eating fresh meat and fish with an abundance of fruit, veggies and salad.
This is however only 1/3 of what is required, I also need to exercise and get plenty of rest.
My exercise will come in the form of the insanity workouts courtesy of these consist of a number of high intensity circuits that you complete 6 days a week. This is one of those workouts you see on late night infomercials, I have completed a couple of weeks before but never properly followed it through so I know they get you sweating and breathing heavily so time to see what 60 days will result in. I also plan to run twice a week and throw in a few short TRX workouts in for good measure but only when/if I feel up to it.

Starting stats
On Jan 01 2012 I weigh 88kg, at a height of 179cm that puts me at a B.M.I 27.5 with 25.2% body fat, and 39.9% muscle

And I look like the photo attached.
I plan to repeat this measurement and photo at the end of every calendar month to see how my stats improve (or don't)
Tomorrow I will take measurements also to see how they change.

That's it for now.
Wish me luck

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