Wednesday 28 December 2011

Where to start

I've realised I need to make some decisions regarding exactly what I want to achieve and how I'm going to do this.
Firstly I need to set short, medium and long term goals. This is completely new to me as I rarely set or plan anything long term but here goes. Professionally Short term I need to secure a place (and funding for) on a personal trainer qualification. My medium term goal is to be working part time in the fitness industry and building up my experience/reputation as a PT. I plan to do this in a gym which although goes against my own values I feel is needed to gain this "traditional" experience and portfolio of clients to give myself credibility. Long term I want to give up my retail career and be able to support my family by doing so. Physically Short term I want to get my BMI below 25 and my body fat below 15% because as my fiancé keeps reminding me I need to look like a PT if I want to be one. Usually my training motivation comes from entering a number of adventure runs and races. This year however I have reduced this to only competing in the spartan races around the UK. Of all the races I've competed in these are like a short sharp shock of a race and excellent fun. To join me in these go to
Each month I plan to set myself mini challenges. January will be the abs challenge follow @AbChallenge
All of my workouts will be using circuits, TRX, medicine balls and trail running. I plan to workout at least 5 times a week using a variety of these in random combinations, depending on how my body is feeling and what fits around my family time and what is happening with work/study.
Nutritionally I will be loosely following the paleo style of eating using the paleo diet book. I will still be eating the occasional pasta dish and eating sweets for energy during long runs.
That about sums up how far my planning has gone so far a little vague but then these are just the beginnings. I'm still reading the paleo diet book and working out how/when to fit in my required exercise without sacrificing family time.
Think I need to take some measurements and photo's for a before snapshot to be able to measure my physical achievements.

Tuesday 27 December 2011


Being new to the whole blogging thing I hope to show my journey from a BMI of 26 and being able to run a bit and averagely fit to becoming a full time personal trainer and fitness worker.
I intend to add links and info that I find useful in my search for this level of fitness and health.
I believe in functional fitness and general health as supposed to long countless hours in the gym pumping iron and running/cycling on machines.